Sunday, November 29, 2009
London was awesome, my feet are soooo tired and still hurts from all the walking, I took some nice pictures with my sisters camera. The Christmas lights was just marvelous! I will write more about this when I have the time! Now I have to try and sleep cause my working experience starts tomorrow! I'm a little bit nervous!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Preparations for London
My arm is completely fine now after the flu shot. Which I celebrated today by cleaning all the windows. They have been looking horrible since they decided it was time to clean the outside of the house... High pressure technique in all it's glory but that damn cleansing agent they used made the windows all gray and stained. All this cleaning made me long for Christmas haha. Luckily London is going to be full of Christmas decorations. Sadly I don't have a camera... I have to ask my sister if I can borrow hers and make Toine buy me one for Christmas so I have my own hehe...
hmm...have to make sure to clean everything before leaving as well (especially the dishes!)... and start's going to be so much fun!
hmm...have to make sure to clean everything before leaving as well (especially the dishes!)... and start's going to be so much fun!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Vaccine side effects part 2
Well the painkillers helps for the arm so I can live with that, and I don't have any other symptoms yet hehe... The trip to my parents place last evening got cancelled, we are going this evening instead! But before that we have to take a trip to buy Toine a small travelbag since he doesn't have one yet. I bought one on IKEA just before the party boat. It's nice and pink yay!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Vaccine side effects arm hurts more today but it comes and goes, sometimes it's almost no pain at all, but other times it can actually hurt quite a bit. I'm going to try some painkillers and see how well they work. So far I at least don't have any other symptoms from the vaccine so maybe that confirms my theory that I might have antibodies from my mother. She had a flu similar to this one back when she was pregnant with me, so maybe I got some antibodies... lets hope so!
Today I got the note from the blood central, saying it's time to come and donate blood again. I don't know how long I have to wait since I took the vaccine before I can donate... I have to find that out.
After dinner me and Toine are going to my parents place. We have to plan a bit about the London trip, where to go, what to see, what to do and stuff like that.
Today I got the note from the blood central, saying it's time to come and donate blood again. I don't know how long I have to wait since I took the vaccine before I can donate... I have to find that out.
After dinner me and Toine are going to my parents place. We have to plan a bit about the London trip, where to go, what to see, what to do and stuff like that.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The bacon fever vaccine...
the new flu, swine flu, pork flu, the pig (pigglet if it's the light version), bacon fever... yes the current pandemic flu has many names... my favorite is most definatly the bacon fever! Today I did it... I got the flu shot. My mother called from work and said they had the vaccine and asked if I wanted it. Since my working experience placment is at a hospital ward for infections, there is a risk I will get into direct contact with the flu. Thus the vaccine is a good idea. So far I only have a slight pain in my arm muscle when I move. Lets see if it gets worse or not hehe.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I've never been much of an animal activist. I eat meat and I like love it. Nothing can compare to a nice rare steak, or a crispy bacon pasta carbonara, juicy chicken legs from the oven, venison potroast... mmmm... now I'm getting hungry hehe.
But this is absolutely cruel and appalling...
But this is absolutely cruel and appalling...
Monday, November 16, 2009
The meat experiment...again
I forgot to update about it hehe...but for those who wonder it's going really good. After I salted it I had to put it in a large pot of saltwater with the conservative Sodium Nitrate to preserve the red coloring of the meat. Yes I am a crazy person for doing this but I think it's fun!
Here it is, laying in the salt+conservative liquid outside on my cold balcony. It total I let is swim like this for about 10 days.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Moomin Mugs
This is the 4 mugs I bought on the boat! They are really pretty and I decided to collect a few of them now... I could always wish for some for Christmas!
Party Cruise
Friday after school I went on the party boat Cinderella together with some school friends. Toine was not invited hehe. Since I'm a poor student I decided to buy some Malibu and 2 cola bottles to smuggle onto the boat. The night before I spend some time opening the bottles carefully without breaking the ring seal, then i poured out some of the cola into another bottle, filled up with Malibu and voila! I had 2 cola bottles full of Malibu rum cola! I packed my bag, party clothes, makeup, everything I might need for the night.
On Friday morning I went to school...sadly the first lesson had an interesting subject, but a bad teacher that couldn't talk at all so it became very annoying. I could have just as well stayed at home and gotten a sleep in. The afternoon had better material. I got to show of my skills in bandaging legs, I've had quite some practice in that so it went good.
Anyway after school we went straight to the partyboat! I was nervous like crazy cause apparently they now X-ray all the bags and confiscate alcohol... My bag went through the X-ray and a guard asked me if i had any alcohol...I said no...just cola... He opened the bag and checked and said ok...the bottles are unopened you can go! hahaha YES! During the night I had no less than 5 guys actually hitting on was waaaaaay to drunk and sort of stalked our group the whole evening...and one was like 65...but oh well as long as I got some free drinks I smiled, laughed and played polite hehehe.
I felt really good the day after but I couldn't really remember how my 4 liters of drink became only halv a liter left... Oh well! I bought 4 Moomin mugs and wine and candy on the taxfree and had some lunch...relaxed a bit and then it was time to go home.
yesterday the goldfish named Cora died :( I don't really know why but sometimes they are weak or sick from the beginning and don't have the strenght to survive a move between aquariums. Oh well, I guess I will get another one.
On Friday morning I went to school...sadly the first lesson had an interesting subject, but a bad teacher that couldn't talk at all so it became very annoying. I could have just as well stayed at home and gotten a sleep in. The afternoon had better material. I got to show of my skills in bandaging legs, I've had quite some practice in that so it went good.
Anyway after school we went straight to the partyboat! I was nervous like crazy cause apparently they now X-ray all the bags and confiscate alcohol... My bag went through the X-ray and a guard asked me if i had any alcohol...I said no...just cola... He opened the bag and checked and said ok...the bottles are unopened you can go! hahaha YES! During the night I had no less than 5 guys actually hitting on was waaaaaay to drunk and sort of stalked our group the whole evening...and one was like 65...but oh well as long as I got some free drinks I smiled, laughed and played polite hehehe.
I felt really good the day after but I couldn't really remember how my 4 liters of drink became only halv a liter left... Oh well! I bought 4 Moomin mugs and wine and candy on the taxfree and had some lunch...relaxed a bit and then it was time to go home.
yesterday the goldfish named Cora died :( I don't really know why but sometimes they are weak or sick from the beginning and don't have the strenght to survive a move between aquariums. Oh well, I guess I will get another one.
Monday, November 9, 2009
The Flying Dutchmen
Toines parent's, Jan and Cora came last Friday and the whole weekend has been busy busy busy.
I spend the whole day cleaning...and I mean REALLY cleaning everything, not a single dust in the corner. Sadly there wasn't enough time to clean the windows too. I looked at it as some kind of early Christmas cleaning and if i did a full scale deep cleaning now, I wouldn't have to do it later hehe. I had time to go a quickie to the store to buy breakfast things for the weekend, and to pick up a package with school books and a package with Christmas fabrics and pillow covers. Then Toine picked me up and brought me home before he drove to the airport to get his parents. My mother and Yvonne with her boyfriend Ville came over to watch Idols while waiting for Toine + parents to come home. When they came they had lots of very nice present with them and we had some nice cheese and crackers. It was a late night.
We got up somewhat early for a nice breakfast and shopping at Stinsen shopping center. I think it was fun, Toines parents bought a few thing, we had some nice coffee and tea, I got 2 new fishes for the aquarium. It's 2 "goldfishes", and I named them Jan and Cora of course. In the evening we went on a restaurant boat for an all shrimp dinner. It was really tasty, and there was a good band playing too. And we got more cheese and crackers. We got home pretty late that day too.
Getting up early again for a day in Stockholm. We went into some tourist shops where Jan and Cora bought some presents for the people back in the Netherlands. We went on a tour inside the royal castle, it was very pretty. I almost wish I could live there...but then again if I live there, I can't repaint the walls in the colors I like hehe. We came out of the castle just in time to see the changing of the guards with the parade and things, very fun to see again. We stopped at a small cousy café for coffee, tea and cake before we separated. My mother, sister and her boyfriend were going to a dance show. Me, Toine, Cora and Jan took some time on Åhlens before we went home. Back home we made the most delicious dinner with a elk roastbeef, crispy baked "hasselbacks" potatoes, a nice sauce, some butter fried chanterelles, and vegetables. It was delicious!
I spend the whole day in boring, but important school and Toine + his parents take it a bit slower and goes to some stores in Jakobsberg for shopping. We all meet up for dinner at the local restaurant in Kallhäll. The whole big family. Me+Toine, My parents, Toines parents, Yvonne and her boyfriend Ville, and Elin. We were only missing Elins boyfriend Simon. After the dinner we all said "good bye" and "see you later" cause Toine was bringing Jan and Cora to the airport directly after. I hope they had a fun time!...Me I had a fun time, but very busy and now I am tired hehe.
I spend the whole day cleaning...and I mean REALLY cleaning everything, not a single dust in the corner. Sadly there wasn't enough time to clean the windows too. I looked at it as some kind of early Christmas cleaning and if i did a full scale deep cleaning now, I wouldn't have to do it later hehe. I had time to go a quickie to the store to buy breakfast things for the weekend, and to pick up a package with school books and a package with Christmas fabrics and pillow covers. Then Toine picked me up and brought me home before he drove to the airport to get his parents. My mother and Yvonne with her boyfriend Ville came over to watch Idols while waiting for Toine + parents to come home. When they came they had lots of very nice present with them and we had some nice cheese and crackers. It was a late night.
We got up somewhat early for a nice breakfast and shopping at Stinsen shopping center. I think it was fun, Toines parents bought a few thing, we had some nice coffee and tea, I got 2 new fishes for the aquarium. It's 2 "goldfishes", and I named them Jan and Cora of course. In the evening we went on a restaurant boat for an all shrimp dinner. It was really tasty, and there was a good band playing too. And we got more cheese and crackers. We got home pretty late that day too.
Getting up early again for a day in Stockholm. We went into some tourist shops where Jan and Cora bought some presents for the people back in the Netherlands. We went on a tour inside the royal castle, it was very pretty. I almost wish I could live there...but then again if I live there, I can't repaint the walls in the colors I like hehe. We came out of the castle just in time to see the changing of the guards with the parade and things, very fun to see again. We stopped at a small cousy café for coffee, tea and cake before we separated. My mother, sister and her boyfriend were going to a dance show. Me, Toine, Cora and Jan took some time on Åhlens before we went home. Back home we made the most delicious dinner with a elk roastbeef, crispy baked "hasselbacks" potatoes, a nice sauce, some butter fried chanterelles, and vegetables. It was delicious!
I spend the whole day in boring, but important school and Toine + his parents take it a bit slower and goes to some stores in Jakobsberg for shopping. We all meet up for dinner at the local restaurant in Kallhäll. The whole big family. Me+Toine, My parents, Toines parents, Yvonne and her boyfriend Ville, and Elin. We were only missing Elins boyfriend Simon. After the dinner we all said "good bye" and "see you later" cause Toine was bringing Jan and Cora to the airport directly after. I hope they had a fun time!...Me I had a fun time, but very busy and now I am tired hehe.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Moving the aquarium
Well yesterday we spend moving the aquarium from the guest room to the livingroom. Since Toine's parents are coming on friday we thought it might be nice for them to have a quiet room without the sound of the pump and nightliving crazy fish activity...hehe... It took it's sweet old time but eventually it got done. first we had to empty some of the water. After that I had to take out all of the plants and decoration, it makes it easier to find and catch all fish. Which was hell... I have the 2 ancistrus fishes, they are quick and sneaky, and I also have 2 siamese algae eaters...they are even quicker... it took me a loooot of time to catch them. Then I had to catch all the smaller fishes as well. Anyway we placed everything in a 30L box on the floor in the livingroom while we emptied all the water and moved the aquarium. 3 fishes tried to commit suicide and jump out of the box, I saved 2 of them but one I saw way too late so he died :( oh well. The aquarium is refilled now and today I got the new bigger, better pump installed as well, now it's almost like a hurricane in there haha :P well the fishes seem to like it!
This is where the fishies had to stay during the move. It's not very high so I'm not surprised some of them was jumping out.

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween party
Me and Toine went to a Halloween party at a friends place. It was fun, we met some new people and drank a lot of booze and played a fun truth or dare game... I picked "dare" a couple of times and ended up having to put my sock in my moth and bark like a dog. Another person had to call a taxi company and say that he forgot his grandfather in the taxi yesterday and wondered if they found him. Toine had to show off his best dance moves. It was a lot of fun! I think we went home around 5 in the morning. And for the first time Toine actually wore make up!
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