Friday, January 8, 2010

Mommys new babies!

I went to IKEA in Barkarby today to buy a birthday present for my grandmother, and while I was there I decided to take a little walk to Solna Zoo which is just behind IKEA. I bought a new "Cora", I guess I will call it Cora II haha. I also ended up with 2 little ancistrus babies that are swimming around and sucking on exactly everything and everyone in the aquarium right now. I guess they like their new home! The girl at the desk was very nice and wrapped the bag with paper to protect the fishes from the cold... When I look at the temperature right now it says -15 C hehe.

Here is Cora II, doing what a goldfish does best...Eating sand!

Cora II and Jan are already best friends! hehe

This is one of the baby ancistrus. I call it "Black" for now since it has rather dark fins. It's too small to tell if it's male or female yet.

The other baby ancistrus, I call it Grey, since well... It is rather grey. It is also too small to know if it's male or female.

1 comment:

  1. Haha jo och sen fick han kläder av deg och dök ner i en kanna med mjölk, haha den var så sjuk! :p Jag kom och tänka på den när jag och Ville såg "Were the wild things are" då den också fanns med på VHS:en fast i tecknat på den tiden. Kände igen monsterna och kom ihåg den där pojken så satte mig på nätet och letade :p
