Friday, August 21, 2009

More mushrooms

This morning my mother and I decided to go search more mushrooms at a different place. We took grandmother with us, and she thought it was nice even thought she didn't have the strength to walk as much as she wanted to. We didn't find as much as I had hoped, but it's at least good for 2 conservation jars! I'm already running out of jars. I should probably go to IKEA to buy some more. My grandmother was going to look if she had any at home as well.

While searching for mushrooms I came across what we in Sweden call a copper snake (Anguis fragilis), in english it's called slow-worm. Both are actually incorrect names since it is actually a lizard without legs, and it's very beautiful and not dangerous in any way. In Sweden it's a protected species which means you are not allowed to disturb it in any way. I took a picture before it went to hide.

Toine came straight from work to my parents house since we were invited for dinner. We had some real swedish BBQ with vegetables and a large piece of meat on the grill (flinta stek). After that we watched a movie called "at least the weather was good - again" (Vi hade i alla fall tur med vädret igen). It's a continuation movie about a family who always screws up majorly when going on vacation. In the evening we got a lift home with grandmother.

A chanterelle hiding in the forest.

The pretty little lizard which I actually almost stepped on. I probably would have if I wasn't staring intensely at the ground for more mushrooms.

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