Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Night = day

As you might have figured out, I turned my days around. Since I'm working on my essay and don't have any lessons in school, I've been sleeping longer in the mornings...well...days... and going to the mornings...Not good but oh well. Eventually it will correct itself. Today I went past Bauhaus to buy some more clips for the floor lists since we were out. I decided to also take a trip past IKEA and buy new drinking glasses and a trashcan, some coat hangers, and a large vase.

We needed new drinking glasses because somehow I seem to have broken half of the ones we have. The first one happened long time ago when doing the dishes. The glass was slippery so it fell out of my hand into the sink... BANG...broken... Then another one broke for some mysterious reason...I don't even know why. I was doing the dishes again and one of the glasses just had a huge crack in it, mysteriously... neither me nor Toine remembered doing anything so it broke. It could've been due to tension in the glass itself as well. Anyway...The third and fourth glass broke at the same time just a few weeks ago... Again me doing the dishes. I had 3 of them piled up next to the sink to free some space, I made a fast miscalculated move and all 3 of them fell into the sink...BANG!...luckily only 2 of them broke but then there was only 6 glasses left. Not so good if my family would come over for food hehe. So today I bought 8 new ones... We should be safe for some time now haha.


  1. Haha kan riktigt tänka mig vad toine säger varje gång du har sönder ett glas xD

  2. mmm verkligen..."suck inte nu igen" :P
