Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Week 13

First trimester is over. Second trimester has started! I don't eat much anymore. For some reason it feels like my stomach gets full after just half a portion. Oh well I guess it's a good thing! The pain from my pelvis persists and I'm going to see a physiotherapist about it next week.

We were at a dinner party last Sunday with all my relatives. My parents grilled the salmon that my uncle Pekka caught in Norway this summer. They also made creamed potatoes with feta cheese in it. Grandmother had some cheeses with her. Uncle Tommi and his wife brought a yummy salad with olives and feta cheese as well, and wine. Uncle Jussi and his wife had apple pie with for dessert. Toine and I made 3 different sauces to eat with the fish. The lemon sauce was a disaster however. It was the first time I ever tried that recipe and I'm sure as hell now gonna use it again!. And last but not least uncle Tappi brought alcohol free cider that was yummy.

Toine's mother has made a care package for us that she is gonna send. It's apparently full of baby things and I'm a little curious!


  1. Det kommer komma små mini-träskor på posten, hihihi! :)
