Tuesday, October 20, 2009


One morning just days after me and Toine just moved in here in this lovely apartment. The doorbell rang. I look in the little peeking hole and see an elderly lady. I think oh thats nice, she must be one of our new neighbors, so I opened and she introduced herself. In my mind I start thinking "oh ooh!". She came from jehovas witnesses. I was polite and started talking, explaining that I believe in god in my own way. I was hoping that she wouldn't return. I was hoping she would think that since I already believe there is no need for her to come back.

A couple of months later the doorbell rang again. I looked though the peeking hole as I always do but I didn't recognize the woman standing there. I opened the door...big mistake. As soon as she opened her mouth I remembered her. I was polite once again explaining that I am a nurse student and a blood donor, since I know the people of Jehovas don't donate or receive blood because they believe the soul lives in the blood, I thought maybe then she would leave me alone. I also told her I wasn't really interested in converting or anything...

A few weeks later there is an invitation in my mailbox. She writes that she has a movie about blood donation and healthcare and things that she would want me to see. I ignore it.

A couple of weeks ago the phone rings early morning. I answer and a woman starts talking without introducing herself... "Hi Martina, how are you doing? You sound tired, have you been working nightshift?" and I'm like..."who is this??" ... then she introduces herself and starts talking about the movies again... I tell her that I'm not really interested in the movie and she says "I guess you are tired I will let you sleep and I'll call you another day". I put her phonenumber in my phonebook so I could see if she was calling again, then i would simply not pick up.

Today she rang the doorbell again... I refused to open the door...Why won't they give up? I tried saying no the polite way but apparently it doesn't work... She rang the bell 3 times before she left. I guess she knew we were home, the lights were on in the apartment. Maybe she will take the hint and give up... If they come back I'm gonna put a sticker on my door saying "no thanks to Jehovas" even though it looks god damn ugly...


  1. Usch va hemskt! Haha. Stackare.
    Mig vågar dom inte komma till längre, jag börja snacka om bevis och hit och dit.
    Nu sitter det en "ingen reklam"-lapp på min dörr och längst ner skrev jag: "Om jag ska kunna respektera din tro, respektera då att jag INTE tror.. :P

  2. Mawhahahahaha, du har en stalker tant!!! xD
