Sunday, November 15, 2009

Party Cruise

Friday after school I went on the party boat Cinderella together with some school friends. Toine was not invited hehe. Since I'm a poor student I decided to buy some Malibu and 2 cola bottles to smuggle onto the boat. The night before I spend some time opening the bottles carefully without breaking the ring seal, then i poured out some of the cola into another bottle, filled up with Malibu and voila! I had 2 cola bottles full of Malibu rum cola! I packed my bag, party clothes, makeup, everything I might need for the night.

On Friday morning I went to school...sadly the first lesson had an interesting subject, but a bad teacher that couldn't talk at all so it became very annoying. I could have just as well stayed at home and gotten a sleep in. The afternoon had better material. I got to show of my skills in bandaging legs, I've had quite some practice in that so it went good.

Anyway after school we went straight to the partyboat! I was nervous like crazy cause apparently they now X-ray all the bags and confiscate alcohol... My bag went through the X-ray and a guard asked me if i had any alcohol...I said no...just cola... He opened the bag and checked and said ok...the bottles are unopened you can go! hahaha YES! During the night I had no less than 5 guys actually hitting on was waaaaaay to drunk and sort of stalked our group the whole evening...and one was like 65...but oh well as long as I got some free drinks I smiled, laughed and played polite hehehe.

I felt really good the day after but I couldn't really remember how my 4 liters of drink became only halv a liter left... Oh well! I bought 4 Moomin mugs and wine and candy on the taxfree and had some lunch...relaxed a bit and then it was time to go home.

yesterday the goldfish named Cora died :( I don't really know why but sometimes they are weak or sick from the beginning and don't have the strenght to survive a move between aquariums. Oh well, I guess I will get another one.

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